Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Week of Just Two

Jeff and I have had the week to ourselves. Rachel has been in New York having a wonderful time (we have talked to her a couple of times). So Jeff and I worked, played and had a delicious dinner at The Spot on 53 restaurant on Thursday evening to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary. Rachel will return late tomorrow evening.

This afternoon we entered the living room and our two cats were sitting in Jeff and I's chairs and looking pretty smug at us. So I used our new digital camera and snapped a picture of the cats.

Hope your spring is beginning to look like spring. We are very slowly losing our snow coverage although more may be on the way.

Take care.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rachel ready for New York!

Look out New York City. Rachel is ready to leave with the high school band for a week in New York City. She is very excited and ready for Tuesday morning to come. Here are a couple of pictures of her empty suitcase (now filled) and the bed with stuff to go in the suitcase. Then there are a couple of pictures of Rachel in her new dress for the theater and symphony in New York. Sometimes it is hard to believe I have such a grownup daughter.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Globe Theater

One of the big projects for ninth grade English class students is to create a model of the Globe Theater. Rachel completed hers but we didn't get pictures before we took it to school. She brought it home on Tuesday and before we disposed of it, I took a few photos to show it off.

The photo with the cat head in the background was because our male cat took a liking to the theater when we brought it home. He like to sit on either side and curl up to sleep. He also discovered he like shredded wheat (the roof). We will be finding shredded wheat all over the house for weeks to come.

Revised description of photos

Well, the photos loaded in the opposite direction I thought they would. The top photo is looking out my window towards our house, the next is looking south east from library.

Snow pictures

Well, the snow is definitely melting fast. I had hoped to get some pictures of the maze around our house when we got 19 inches last week. But both our digital cameras chose that time to be temperamental and neither would work. Earlier in the day I had taken some pictures at work, most of windows with snow on the ledges. The work camera is working again so I'm going to share those photos with you. The first picture is looking out my office window. The second picture is the windows on the south side of the library, the bottom of the windows is about 5 feet off the ground. We had a lot of wind with this storm. The third image is looking out my office window towards our house and the fourth is looking out the doors on the east side of the building before the sidewalks or stairs had been cleared.

Hope your spring is looking up.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I know the calendar still says spring is six days away and we have 2 plus feet of snow on the ground but today the sun is shining, it is already above freezing and chunks of snow are falling off the roof scaring the cats.

Last night we drove to and from Northome to pick up Stephen. He got a ride as far as that to come home for spring break. He has a full plate scheduled for the week. He is planning to sleep, do homework, go to the movies, sleep, eat, sleep, do homework, look for a summer job, sleep, eat and oh did I mention sleep.

Today Rachel is in Eveleth with the speech team. Hopefully she can do as well this week as she did last week. I think I am going to cut out the pattern to make her River dress today. I have made a mock-up and we're fairly happy with it.

Jeff is working on the next podcast for IBRT this weekend. He still has to mix all the parts together.

Rachel is getting very excited about her trip to New York. She leaves in 10 days. We are glad that fund-raising is done and we've paid our portion of the trip and can now focus on getting her ready to go.

Hope you are experiencing some spring weather. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Rachel and the speech team were in Ely, Minnesota today for a smaller speech meet. The team is fairly young this year and it was a good chance for them to gain some confidence. And it was a good confidence booster for Rachel.

She is again competing in the creative category, which means she writes her own piece. Today she placed second!! She was very excited. That gives her a good chance of placing well at sections. She will continue to work hard on the piece and the week after returning from New York will compete at state.

She has improved so much since she began competing in seventh grade. She is really enjoying this speech season.

I have had a good weekend as well. I am working on a River costume for Rachel and creating a dress almost from scratch. It is finally coming together and I'm enjoying the process. I also planted tomato seeds today. It is about 12 weeks until we can plant outside but I haven't given plants long enough to get established so am trying to start earlier this year. I am looking forward to seeing some green.

Have a good weekend.
