My goodness but we are busy. Rachel had her spring band concert last Thursday. I helped organize and serve at the reception following the concert to thank the community for their support of the band and its fundraising efforts for the students trip to New York.
Jeff is neck deep in preparations for the Spring Fling Icebox Radio show next week. I am trying to get summer reading ready to go as I am taking most of the first week of May off to spend time with my parents visiting from Washington. But of course we have been very busy at the library and short staffed with illnesses and vacations.
We are beginning to see the grass green up and my tulips are pushing through the leaves I covered all my beds with last fall. Yesterday I spent time outside raking in the front yard and uncovering plants, just in time for snow this weekend :(
Rachel is helping with the baby broncos swim program after school for three weeks and is in the IBRT show as well. She is hoping to play soccer following the show over in Ft. Frances again. This will be her last year in the youth league.
The little we hear from Stephen sounds like he is busy but basically happy to be where he is, doing what he is doing. He has come down with a cold and is struggling to maintain energy and keep going. He spent last weekend in Park Rapids South Dakota at a computing conference and participated in a contest Friday night. His team placed third at the competition and won $100 for the school and $100 to split among the team of three. He was pretty excited.
We still don't know what he will be doing this summer. He has looked for jobs all over the state and elsewhere as well. He would really like to be doing something in his field.
Take care and enjoy your spring.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
State Speech Meet
We had an eventful weekend with a trip to Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota where the State Speech tournament was held on Saturday. Rachel drove down with the team on Friday morning and Jeff and I followed Friday afternoon. It was great to see the camaraderie among the teens. Many have known each other for years. As someone commented to me, they were speech bff (best friends forever).
Here are a few photos from the State Speech meet as we were waiting for the list of students who made finals to be posted. It was an agonizing wait. They said they would be posted by 2:15 and at that point only the three categories with draws were posted. The remaining categories weren't posted until 2:35 with the first speeches to be starting at 2:45 all over campus.
By the time they posted the list of those participating in final round the room was packed wall to wall with people. The results were posted on a computer that was projected on a large screen. We all could watch as the guy came up to the computer and loaded the file and opened it and set the parameters. The tension in the room was palpable. Then as each list came up, cheers, clapping, screams of delight or groans of frustration could be heard.
Rachel was excited to be at state. She watched and learned and began gaining experience that will stand her in good stead in future years. She has already begun thinking and planning next year's speech. She is tossing around ideas and keeping her eyes open to possibilities and stories.

The trip home was uneventful and we are glad for a slow day today. Hope this finds you all enjoying spring and looking forward to summer.
Here are a few photos from the State Speech meet as we were waiting for the list of students who made finals to be posted. It was an agonizing wait. They said they would be posted by 2:15 and at that point only the three categories with draws were posted. The remaining categories weren't posted until 2:35 with the first speeches to be starting at 2:45 all over campus.
By the time they posted the list of those participating in final round the room was packed wall to wall with people. The results were posted on a computer that was projected on a large screen. We all could watch as the guy came up to the computer and loaded the file and opened it and set the parameters. The tension in the room was palpable. Then as each list came up, cheers, clapping, screams of delight or groans of frustration could be heard.
Rachel was excited to be at state. She watched and learned and began gaining experience that will stand her in good stead in future years. She has already begun thinking and planning next year's speech. She is tossing around ideas and keeping her eyes open to possibilities and stories.
The trip home was uneventful and we are glad for a slow day today. Hope this finds you all enjoying spring and looking forward to summer.
New York/ State speech

Hey everybody,
I know I haven't been on here in a while sorry about that. but here is a little update about what my life has been life for the past few months. for all of you who didn't know I got ans amazing opportunity to go to New York City with the high school band! I had lots of fun and loved seeing the big apple. Madam Tussuad's wax museum was probably my favorite thing in the city. If you are going to New York any time soon I would definitely go there.

My other exciting piece of news lately was me qualifying to go to state speech, I didn't do very well but it was still really cool to go and be one of the younger competitors there. I got fifth in my first two rounds and sixth in my last one (there were six people in each round). One of the seniors on our team (Anna Remus for those who know her) got first, so we now have a state champion!

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