Hi Everyone:
I’m writing the family’s ‘Post-Con’ blog because we have just returned from CONvergence 2007, the sci-fi convention that I’ve now attended for five years. It’s a strange choice for a family vacation, but this year, that is exactly what it was. All four of us attended for the first time. And, for the first time, some of us went in costume. This picture is of me dressed as Carl Kolchak from the old Night Stalker TV series, and Rachel dressed as River from Firefly.
This was Diane’s first con, and she had a good time too, spending her time in quality Mother-Daughter with Rachel, and attended more of the book themed panel discussions. Next year, she said she’d spend more time a musical events as she really likes the Celtic bands who always seem to attend these events.
Now, the kids are off to Oregon/Washington to spend a few weeks with grandparents. Diane and I will have the house to ourselves. Diane still has summer reading to manage, and I’m going to try and get a show recorded in studio. Oh, for more info about ‘our’ convention, this is the offical website: http://www.convergence-con.org
Hi Adams Fam!
Looks like a good vacation to me--though of course ANY vacation would appeal at this point. I'm teaching full time this summer w/ a private teaching company called the IRD (inst. for reading development), out of Chicago. After a few weeks of pretty intensive training, including some workshops in Chicago, I began teaching 11 classes a week to kids age 4-18. Very tough, very rewarding work. I've thought of you often, Dianne, and your work with the library summer reading program. That was a cornerstone of the summer months for me growing up, and I've seen its importance for so many of my rugrats, too.
And what news of the APM contact??!!
And by "Dianne," I of course mean "Diane."
(straightens tie).
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