Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mud Runs

Well, I learned a bit about myself and my community yesterday. I don't know if I will ever fit in completely. Jeff was asked to provide sound for two events during the Minnesota Northern District Fair held at the Littlefork fairgrounds this weekend. As we have been so busy while the kids are visiting grandparents and I hadn't had a chance to see much of Jeff, I told him I would accompany him on Saturday and serve as his roadie. I watched the 100 meter dash for cars and such yesterday. It is called the mud run and involved about 100 meters of deep mud for cars and trucks to drive through as quickly as they can. Times over the day varied from just over 2 seconds to over 22 seconds. The first vehicle to travel the course flew over the mud and seemed to barely notice it was there. But about the fourth or fifth vehicle struggled down the course and took out the end timing device and then hit a water spigot covered with a tire and rolled. The driver, a female, ended up going to the hospital with (as someone said) only a broken leg. I was unable to enjoy most of the rest of the event. If any of the vehicles started to jerk or slide I tensed up. I came home exhausted and very stiff from being so uptight. Today Jeff went alone to cover the oval races. I decided I couldn't handle another day of potential crashes and had stuff to do around the house.

Take care everyone and enjoy summer.

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