Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Summer!

Hope some of you are seeing summer weather. We have reached a high of 50 degrees today with clouds all day and rain off and on. It has been a while since I posted and a lot has happened in the past month.

We now have a high school graduate in the family. On Thursday evening, May 29th Stephen Adams graduated from Falls High School. We celebrated the event with a graduation party. Both sets of grand parents were able to spend the week with us and aid in the celebration. We also had my Aunt and my sister and her husband and son with us. We had planned on using the backyard as overflow for the party but Thursday evening we had more than a typical rain shower. We had almost 10 hours of downpour. So we crammed everyone into out house and had a wonderful time celebrating Stephen and his accomplishment.

Now on to summer. Stephen is teaching swim lessons and lifeguarding at city beach this summer. Rachel is taking the classroom portion of drivers' education and learning to play the oboe (she has spent the last four years playing the clarinet and wanted a new challenge), and starting work on a movie.

Jeff is keeping everyone together as well as preparing for four shows this summer, including two at Convergence a science fiction convention in the twin cities over the fourth of July weekend.

Diane is running another summer reading program, training new staff and trying to make her garden grow. But she'd really like some sun to help.

Have a wonderful summer and thanks to all the family and friends who sent Stephen cards and helped us celebrate his high school graduation.
