Monday, December 28, 2009

Fourth Day of Christmas

It is the fourth day of Christmas and the family is mostly dug out from the Christmas storm that saw us get about 2 feet of new snow between Dec. 24th and Dec. 26th. I am back at work and writing this post between helping patrons so if it becomes a bit disjointed you'll know why.

We had a wonderful Christmas. We were incredibly blessed by good food, good company (a family that enjoys spending time together is a precious gift of it's own) and generosity of friends and family in plenty of gifts.

Yesterday, Rachel and I got out to the ski trail and I skied my classic ski and Rachel tried out her new skate skis. She is going to have to continue learning. She looks a bit awkward yet. We are looking into finding someone to give her a brief lesson. Our goal is to get out at least every Thursday evening, even if it is just for 1 km.

We have had a terrific time with Stephen, Sarah and Rachel this Christmas. Jeff and I appreciate our children so much and marvel at the adults they are becoming.

Hopefully our Christmas letter will get written tonight and in the mail by the end of the week.

Our love and prays for a joyous end to 2009 and blessings in 2010.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I enjoy the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is time to prepare. I stay busy baking, buying, wrapping and all but have time to enjoy the process. December has also been cold, helping motivate me to stay in and get things done.

The week has been full but at the moment I'm not remembering much of note. This coming week will be a bit different. Jeff has the business fundraiser for Icebox Radio Theater this week. Calls to Santa will be each evening this coming week from 6 -8 pm. You can call and talk to Santa and listen to the show by going to the icebox radio theater website. It will be a busy week for Jeff.

I am hosting a library holiday open house on Wednesday afternoon for staff, board members and city staff. Then Thursday afternoon I will pick Rachel up at school and she and I will drive to Morris to pick up Stephen. We'll spend the night in Morris then all of us come up to Bemidji to finish up our Christmas shopping.

Take care. Hope everyone is staying healthy and enjoying the holidays.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It is December and the snow has finally arrived. It began snowing the evening of November 28th and has snowed some each day since. The temperature has also begun dropping. So this morning I believe we hit 0 for the first time this winter.

But we have a nice warm house and the outside is pretty white with the trees flocked more beautifully than any human job I've ever seen.

The main news here is that Rachel is now employed. She was asked by one of the local radio stations to man the station during live broadcasts of local sports. She spent two days earlier this week learning the system and last night was in alone at the station for the first time. She is also hoping to get on at a local coffee shop after the holidays as she really wants to learn to make coffee drinks. (I think she also wants smoothies and I believe you get one free drink a shift. :)

Jeff and I were talking and commented on the fact that the first job of both our kids was at radio stations. Obviously they are known in the community for their ability to learn technological equipment and speak (although Rachel isn't speaking on the radio at this point.)

We have begun holiday preparations. We'll pick up Stephen on the 17th and I believe Sarah will come home on the 20th. We aren't traveling this year and will enjoy a quiet Christmas here at home. We will order our traditional (to International Falls) smoked turkey and salmon for Christmas day.

Hope everyone's holiday plans are coming together and that the spirit of the season is present in your homes. We miss all our relatives and friends on the west coast but sure have come to enjoy white Christmases. So anyone is welcome to join us.
