Sunday, February 22, 2009


The results are in from the annual Adams Family Oscar party! A good time had by all as we watched the 81st Academy Awards go down without the obvious oversight of a Dark Knight Best Picture Nomination. The Clayton Family bracketed our competition this year, with Kenna taking top honors with a total of 27 points, and husband Tom taking home the Booby Prize (a K-Mart Double Feature DVD featuring Space Mutiny and Firehead) with a total of only 1.

The competition heated up early when Beth Nelson ran off four of the first five awards by using her 'Last Minute' strategy of picking the winners only after all the nominations had been read. This would eventually backfire, however, when Nelson had to exit the competition early to take care of some sleepy girls at home. Her subsequent picks, all done in advance, did not fare as well. Vicki Olson came on strong late to finish second with 26 points while Rachel Adams took third with 23.   All three top finishers batted 1000 on the major categories of Best Picture, Actress, Actor, and Director.

Two categories stumped the field this year. No one came up with the right answer for Sound Editing, nor Documentary Feature. Wall-E's victory in Animated Feature was the lone category the entire field picked right, though all but Tom did peg Health Ledger's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight as the winner in the best supporting actor race.

Kenna Clayton 27
Vicki Olson 26
Rachel Adams 23
Beth Nelson 21
Jeff Adams 15
Kirsty Sinclair 15
Steve Sinclair 12
Phoebe Marx 12
Eric Marz 5
Justin Kapla 5
Tom Clayton 1

(Scoring: Best Picture was worth 5 points; Best Actor, Actress, & Director 3 points; Best Supporting Actor & Actress 2 points; all other categories 1 point each.)